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Andy Bagnall, Chief Executive, Rail Partners

Rail Partners response to open access plans between London and Wrexham

Andy Bagnall, chief executive of Rail Partners, has responded to Alstom's open access application:


Rail Partners responds to NAO rail reform report

Andy Bagnall, chief executive of Rail Partners, responds to the National Audit Office report on rail reform:


MPs show cross-party support for rail freight growth ahead of General Election

  • The Rail Partners Freight Parliamentary Reception 2024 at the House of Commons featured speeches from Rail Minister Huw Merriman MP, Lib Dem transport spokesperson Wera Hobhouse MP, and Bill Esterson MP, Shadow Roads Minister (on behalf of Louise Haigh, Shadow Transport Secretary) to discuss their plans for rail freight ahead of the general election  
  • The event follows the publication of Rail Partners’ report, Freight Britain: An engine for green growth which outlines a policy framework to support the delivery of rail freight growth  
  • Both the Rail Minister and Shadow Transport Minister made clear that rail freight growth is a priority to support wider economic and environmental objectives.
Andy Bagnall, Rail Partners chief executive

Rail Partners response to Spring Budget fuel duty freeze

Responding to the Spring Budget, Andy Bagnall, chief executive for Rail Partners, said:

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Freight operators ready to partner with government to get lorries off roads and support green economic growth

  • Rail Partners’ freight operator members are ready to invest in new trains, facilities and in skills, should government take measures to support the sector.  
  • ‘Freight Britain: An engine for green growth’ offers a route map to delivering on the government’s 75% rail freight growth target and securing important economic and environmental benefits for a nation of rail freight customers. 
  • The report’s five policy recommendations include a call – ahead of the budget statement – for government to address the widening cost gap between rail and road freight, to help businesses choose rail over more polluting transport modes.  
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Operational note: The Rail Partners Freight Parliamentary Reception 2024

Invitation to The Rail Partners Freight Parliamentary Reception

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‘Government overinvolvement a major contributing factor to poorer outcomes’ Rail Partners tells main parties as Rail Minister and Shadow Rail Minister address rail industry

  • Rail Partners has used its annual George Bradshaw Address to urge the main parties to get the ‘best of both worlds’, from the public and private sectors, to ensure a growing railway 
  • Rail Partners’ chief executive, Andy Bagnall told attendees that currently, government micromanagement of the railway is contributing to poorer outcomes – and that reform is needed to attract passengers back and balance the books 
  • The George Bradshaw Address ‘election special’ took place at One Great George Street, with Huw Merriman MP, Minister of State for Rail and HS2, and Stephen Morgan MP, Shadow Minister of State for Rail, each setting out their party’s plans for the railway ahead of the general election 
  • Ahead of the address Rail Partners launched its ‘Manifesto for Rail’ setting out five key steps the next government must take to allow the railway to succeed. 
Draft reform bill

Rail Partners response to publication of the draft Rail Reform Bill

Responding to the publication of the draft Rail Reform Bill, Rail Partners chief executive Andy Bagnall said:

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Rail Partners launches Manifesto for Rail – a five point plan to achieve ‘best of both worlds’ rail reform

  • Rail Partners has launched its ‘Manifesto for Rail’ setting out a five point plan for politicians to create a thriving railway that works for customers and taxpayers 
  • Publication comes ahead of the 2024 George Bradshaw Address ‘election special’ – where both main parties will set out their party’s vision for the railway ahead of the general election 
  • The Manifesto calls for a ‘best of both worlds’ approach to rail reform – bringing together private sector expertise and the need for a single public point of accountability – to maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits of rail.
Rail Partners delegation with Oleksii Semerun, Leader of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Ukraine

Ukrainian Railways' ‘Iron People’ receive food aid from British rail companies

  • Thousands of food parcels have started being delivered to Ukrainian Railway employees and their families, paid for by donations from British rail companies. 
  • Industry body Rail Partners fundraised over £106,000 in donations from Britain's rail companies, equivalent to over 7,000 food parcels for Ukrainian rail workers on the front line. 
  • Rail Partners chief executive, Andy Bagnall, travelled to Kyiv along with Steve Montgomery, managing director of First Rail, and David Brown, managing director of Arriva Trains, as part of a global rail delegation to raise awareness of the ongoing challenges. 
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Rail Partners responds to government rail freight growth target announcement

Commenting on the announcement of a rail freight growth target of 75% by 2050, Rail Partners chief executive, Andy Bagnall said: