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Freight train leaving Drax Power Station

Trebling rail freight can help rebalance and decarbonise a growing UK economy

  • Call for evidence response sets out the need for an ambitious freight growth target to transform the sector over the next three decades
  • By trebling freight across Britain, rail could further support the transition to a decarbonised economy, rebalance the UK economy, and help businesses scale up both domestically and internationally
  • The target would also increase the sector’s contribution to UK plc to around £7.5bn per year.

Rail Partners respond to Prime Minister's Northern Powerhouse Rail announcement

In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding an update to the Northern Powerhouse Rail plans, Rail Partners’ Chief Executive, Andy Bagnall, said:

RR image

Rail businesses urge government to harness the private sector to deliver growth

  • New report sets out how private operators can support Government ambitions for growth and net zero.
  • Giving operators more commercial freedom can improve customer experience and secure hundreds of millions of pounds in revenue to the Treasury.
  • Operators call for the right long-term reforms to help stabilise industry finances by growing revenue, rejecting nationalisation as the answer.

Rail Partners responds to Labour Party reconfirming its rail nationalisation commitment

Responding to the Labour Party reconfirming its commitment to public ownership of the railway, Andy Bagnall, Chief Executive of Rail Partners, said:


Rail Partners responds to the Government's Plan for Growth

In response to the Government's Plan for Growth, Rail Partners’ chief executive, Andy Bagnall, said:


Rail companies call for reinvigorated public private partnership for Britain’s Railway

  • Major transport businesses have come together to form a new trade body - Rail Partners
  • At launch, Rail Partners sets out five priority areas for successful reform
  • The body will advocate for private sector passenger owning groups and freight companies, demonstrating how their expertise can deliver for passengers, freight customers and the economy.