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Rail Partners’ conference at RSN 2024 highlights rolling stock innovation and depot transformation as essential to delivering a high performing railway

  • Following its success last year, Rail Partners hosted the conference at the annual Rolling Stock Networking event in Derby.
  • The conference addressed two important themes: how innovation can deliver higher performing and more cost-effective rolling stock and how depots can support a high performing railway and create great places to work.
  • Attendees heard from leading industry speakers from companies including Greater Anglia, Angel Trains, the Global Centre for Rail Excellence and Stadler.
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MEDIA OPERATIONAL NOTE: Rail Partners conference at Rolling Stock Networking 2024

A conference hosted by Rail Partners at Rolling Stock Networking 2024

Rail Partners

Rail Partners responds to latest ORR data on rail freight usage and performance

Robert Girgis, Director of Policy, Rail Partners said:

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Thousands of food parcels delivered to Ukrainian Railway employees and their families, following donations from British rail companies

  • Nearly 7,500 food parcels have been delivered to Ukrainian Railway employees and their families, paid for by donations from British rail companies. 
  • Industry body Rail Partners fundraised over £106,000 in donations to support Ukrainian rail workers on the front line. 
  • The food packages include a variety of essentials all sourced in Ukraine to support the economy by buying from local producers.
Rail Partners

Rail Partners responds to Railway Industry Association’s latest report

Commenting on Railway Industry Association’s latest report, Mark Gaynor, Director of Operator Services at Rail Partners, said:

Rail Partners

Rail Partners response to Network Rail's 5-year delivery plan

Commenting on the start of Network Rail’s 5-year delivery plan, Robert Girgis, Rail Partners’ director of policy said:

Rail Partners

Rail Partners response to ORR passenger rail usage statistics for Q3

Commenting on ORR’s passenger rail usage statistics for October to December 2023, a spokesperson said:

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Rail Partners response to ORR statistics on rail freight usage and performance for Q3

Responding to the ORR’s latest statistics on rail freight usage and performance, Andy Bagnall, chief executive of Rail Partners, said: